With an output of up to 3067 kVA and system voltages of 1500 V DC, the SMA central inverter allows for more efficient system design and a reduction in specific costs for PV and battery power plants. A separate voltage supply and additional space are available for the installation of customer equipment. True 1500 V technology and the intelligent cooling system OptiCool ensure smooth operation even in extreme ambient temperature as well as a long service life of 25 years. Efficient • Up to 4 inverters can be transported in one standard shipping container • Overdimensioning up to 200% is possible • Full power at ambient temperatures of up to 35°C Robust • Intelligent air cooling system OptiCool for efficient cooling • Suitable for outdoor use in all climatic ambient conditions worldwide Flexible • One device for all applications • PV application with DC-coupled battery-storage system and charging from the AC utility as an option Easy to Use • Improved DC connection area • Connection area for customer equipment • Integrated voltage support for internal and external loads